Pablo Moses - Jah Is Watching You

Be careful what you do, Jah is watching you
(Jah is watching you, each and every day)
Every little thing you do, Jah is watching you
(Jah is watching you, each and everywhere)

People's life is not a toy, to destroy
Be careful what you employ and what you deploy
What is in the dark, shall surely come to the light
(To the light)
You can run from the sharks
But you can't escape Jah might

Be careful what you do, Jah is watching you
(Jah is watching you, each and every day)
Every little thing you do, Jah is watching you
(Jah is watching you, each and everywhere)

You've been seen everyone and say no one knows
Man, you're so wrong, to Jah everything is exposed
You run to the south and run to north
Run all about, but you can't escape Jah wrath

Be careful what you do, Jah is watching you
(Jah is watching you, each and every day)
Every little thing you do, Jah is watching you
(Jah is watching you, each and everywhere)


People's life is not a toy, to destroy
Be careful what you employ and what you deploy
What is in the dark, shall surely come to the light
(To the light)
You can run from the sharks
But you can't escape Jah might

Be careful what you do, Jah is watching you
(Jah is watching you, each and every day)
Every little thing you do, Jah is watching you
(Jah is watching you, each and everywhere)

Be careful what you do, Jah is watching you
(Jah is watching you, each and every day)
Every little thing you do, Jah is watching you
(Jah is watching you, each and everywhere)

Pablo Moses lyrics are copyright by their rightful owner(s) and Jah Lyrics in no way takes copyright or claims the lyrics belong to us.
Jah Lyrics exists solely for the purpose of archiving all reggae lyrics and makes no profit from this website.