Mutabaruka - Great Queens Of Africa

Great queens of Afrika
Rulers all aroun'
They were mighty brave and strong
Europeans couldn't get them down

Afrika had great kings and queens
You should know
Search your history
It will show
If you know not from whence you came
You are doomed to live in shame

In a Afrika

Talkin' 'bout Makeda
Queen of Sheba
Ruled from Arabia to Ethiopia
Fell in love with Solomon
Brought forth Haile Selassie
Forefather Menelik I

In a Afrika

Amina rode at the head of
Her troops in war
Conquered enemies near
And far
Great queen of Hausa land
A woman as capable as any man

In a Afrika

Nzinga of Angola
Fought the Portuguese
As a guerilla soldier
At age 70 she was still on top
Portuguese, Dutch, Nzinga
They could not stop
Si queen nanny of Jamaica
She rule de area
When de English dem lick shot
All she do is spit it back

In a Afrika

Now when I was a child I
Thought Cleopatra
Looked exactly like
Elizabeth Taylor
Now I am wiser I understand
Cleopatra was really an Egyptian

In a Afrika

Yes Afrika had great kings
And queens you should know
Search your history
It will show
If you know not from whence you came
You are doomed to live in shame

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