Mutabaruka - Big Mountain
Yuh afi fight fi yuh lan
Jus' like de days of old
You'll have to be cold and bold
Don't let the witeman tongue fool you
Don't let his paper cool you
With tricks and lies he stole the land
Refuse and resist the witeman plan
Stand on big mountain its your ancestors earth
Land is power without it life has no worth
Stand on big mountain you'll have to be strong
Good must over come the struggle is long
He came to turtle island with fire water in hand
Gave it to the redman, then stole his land
Gave us a image of Indians so wild
The image we got on the screen as a child
Who is to blame who is to blame
I say the image of John Wayne
Don't let the witeman tongue fool you
Don't let his paper cool you
Don't let his fire water get you down
Stand up and fight for your piece of ground
Stand on big mountain its your ancestors earth
Land is power without it life has no worth
Stand on big mountain you'll have to be strong
Good must over come the struggle is long
In Afrika and Asia he went to civilize nations
Yet in the land of liberty and justice he has reservation
On the big screen he played his silly game
Usin' the image of John Wayne
Robbin' and rapin' he stole the land
Refuse had resist the witeman plan
Don't let the witeman tongue fool you
Don't let his papers cool you
Don't let the ancestors die in vain
You have nothin' to loose much to gain
Stand on big mountain its your ancestors earth
Land is power without it life has no worth
Stand on big mountain you'll have to be strong
Good must over come the struggle is long
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