Jacob Miller - False Rasta
Hear the voice of the sounds of confederation
That's all the gathering of the Natty Dread
All weakheart shall drop, brother!
When I was a clean face man
They used to know my name
But now that I'm a Dreadlocks man
They don't know me anymore
Ala, ala, ala, alabama
The time has come again
Kings of Kings and Lords of Lords
Conquering the tribe of Judah
But now that I'm a Dreadlocks man
All my friends turn against I
But time has come, that they all should follower
I no check fi follower
I a dread, I a dread, I a dread
Now they know that that's the truth
About I, and I, and I, I, I and I
Them dread inna this day, I dread
I say free them amongst myself
That all my brethern shall see one day
That I am a Rastaman
I a dread, I a dread, I a dread, yeah
My parents only want to see me
In some white shirt and Necktie around my neck
I a dread, I no defend vanity, my brethren
Don't judge a man by the way he looks
Judge him by its ways, 'cause
Ala, ala, ala, alabama
The time has come again
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