Heptones - Warden
I've gotta get away from this prison
What have I done, to feel this burning sun?
It's misery up here on this rockpile
Warden, warden oh you should know
I've got to go, I ain't guilty
My wife and kids out there, they need a father's care
To live without me they would suffer
Warden, mmmmm-hmmm-mmm, ohhh
My wife and kids out there, they need a father's care
To live without me they will suffer
Warden, warden this place is hell
Oooh that funny smell, mmm it's killing
I can't eat the food, they treat me so rude
I must get away, I've got to get away
Warden hear me
Warden help me
I must get away
Got to get away
Got to get away, ahhh
Got to get away, ah-ha
Gotta jump these walls
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