Gregory Isaacs - A Few Words

Just a few words with you, yeah, to say that I love you
I need a few words with you to say that I do
But please don't take this love for granted
Like many didn't go, oh no, no
I can't take the word no more
Because my heart has been tampered with before

Now soon you tried, she couldn't make it
And with me, I couldn't take it
Becah they never knew the use of a good thing
Until they've lost it
Until they've lost it
When they lost it
They feel it
A few words
That's all I need

Now soon you tried, she couldn't make it
And with me, I couldn't take it
For they never knew the use of a good thing
Until they've lost it
That's the time they feel it
When they lost it
That's the time they feel it
A few words
I need with you
Don't take it for granted
No, no
A few words
That's all I need

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