Dennis Brown - God Bless The Children

God bless the children, God bless the children
Because they can't stop what men do
And that's why, Lord, I call on you
They don't even know, don't know how to sing
And these are troubled times we're living in

When women fall, children cry
And dearest Lord, some will die
That's why I've got to sing
God, God, God, God, God, good God

God bless the children, God bless the children
Teach us how to love like never before
And may we never, never, never study war no more
Talk to the hearts of a million believers
And make them understand, right now
Lord, children need us

I know, oh yes I know, it's not right
But I mean it, I mean it
If they just must fight in the night, Lord
God, God, God, God, God

God bless the children, God bless the children
So many times I have heard this phrase,
"The troubled won't be lost always"
Now, I'm not saying that this phrase is wrong
But I'm wondering right now how we've lost so long

See a newborn baby in some crying mother's arm
And when you think of all the countries
That have begun, just now to say
God, God, God, God, God, gracious God
God bless the children, one more time
God bless the children
Have mercy Lord, God bless the children
God bless the children

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