Clinton Fearon - Joyful Noise

Let's make a joyful noise,
Let's disturb the devil.
Let's make a joyful noise,
And shame the devil.
Make a joyful noise,
Them say we a rebel.
Make a joyful noise,
For the soul is incredible.

Let me here you say, waa-ay oh..
Waa-ay.. oh!
Waa-ay.. oh!
Waa-ay.. oh!

Riddle me this, riddle me that,
Guess this riddle and perhaps not.
Whether I'm flush, whether I'm flat,
Who can tell me where it's at.
If you don't know, don't burst your brain,
'Cause every day is very much the same.
Sometimes coffee and sometimes tea,
Sometimes sun and sometimes rain.
Satan is out for you and me,
He's playing a very unfair game.
But when all is said and done,
He's got nothing to gain.
Whoah let a me hear you say!:

Waa-ay.. oh!
Waa-ay.. oh!
Waa-ay.. oh!
Waa-ay.. oh!


Riddle me this, riddle me that,
Guess this riddle and perhaps not.
Whether I'm flush, whether I'm flat,
Who can tell me where it's at.
If you don't know, don't burst your brain,
'Cause every day is very much the same.
Sometimes coffee and sometimes tea,
Sometimes sun and sometimes rain.
Satan is out for you and me,
He's playing a very unfair game.
But when all is said and done,
He's got nothing to gain.
Whoah let a me hear you say!:

Waa-ay.. oh!
Waa-ay.. oh!
Waa-ay.. oh!
Waa-ay.. oh!

Clinton Fearon lyrics are copyright by their rightful owner(s) and Jah Lyrics in no way takes copyright or claims the lyrics belong to us.
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