Black Uhuru - Vampire
Oh, what a sight to see
A garden of vampire
Oh, what a sight to see
A goddamn vampire
Jah gonna let them run away
Like out-running water
I gon' shatter the eye teeth
Of those bloodsucker
Oh, what a sight to see
A garden of vampire
Oh, what a sight to see
A goddamn vampire
You demon, you have no control over I and I
Oh, no no no
I and I are given seed to sow
And in due season then we reap, ya-hey
Earthquake, brimstone
Hotter, hotter, you got to burn
Chain 'em Jah, chain 'em Jah
Oh, those bloodsucker
Oh, what a sight to see
A garden of vampire
Oh, what a sight to see
Those bloodsucker
(Oho vampire, oho bloodsucker, oho vampire)
I and I gonna drive a stake through the hearts
Of those bloodsucker
Oh, what a sight, a sight to see
Those bloody, bloody, bloody men
(Oh, what a sight to see
Goddamn vampire)
For those enemy that stand aside
Jah gonna let them go down... oh yay
'Cause my life is on fire
Wicked burn, wicked burn
The wicked, got a lot, a lot among their head
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