Big Mountain - Revolution
Revolution is healing up the nation.
Revolution is healing up the nation.
Fight back your sorrows,
Don't let your depression get you down.
We've got a bright and blue tomorrow,
So keep your faith planted firmly on the ground.
New time for action, find yourself some energy.
My brothers and sisters, we've got to heal together,
Or the infection can only increase.
Revolution is healing up the nation - come togehter!
Revolution is healing up the nation - clean it up!
Revolution is healing up the nation - ey-ey!
Revolution is healing up the nation.
If you're searchin' for reason,
Lookin' for balance in Babylon;
Don't think this system will heal your sufferation.
Let them squander their budget money,
We've got to ready the youth;
To jump a ship in a stormy seas.
Revolution is healing up the nation.
Revolution is healing up the nation - come togehter!
Revolution is healing up the nation - right now!
Revolution is healing up the nation - Jah!
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