Alpha Blondy & Solar System - Rocking Time
Heavy reggae music
This is a music
Heavy macka music
Dance sister dance, rockin' time..
Dance, brother dance giv us a chance now!
Me say music, heavy reggae music!
This is a music, heavy macka music..
Rocking time, rocking time, rocking time!
Rocking time, rocking time, rocking time ya
You don't need no fancy fancy fancy
kind of footwork to rock
to my music, heavy reggae music
You don't neeed no fancy fancy fancy kind of footwork
to rock to this music, heavy reggae music
Rocking time, rocking time, rocking time!
Rocking time, rocking time, rocking time ya
Me say rocking time, rocking time, rocking time
Rocking time, rocking time, rocking time
Dance, papa dance
Dance, mama dance.. (x 6)
Dance brothers, sisters
Won't you give it a chance?
You don't neeed no fancy fancy fancy
Fancy kind of footwork! If you wanna rock
Say, you don't need no fancy fancy fancy
fancy kind of footwork, just rock!
Dance, papa dance
Dance, mama dance.. (x 6)
Dance brothers, sisters
Won't you give it a chance?
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