Alpha Blondy & Solar System - Cheik Amadou Bamba

Yallah nan souf w y f ti yaw!

Cheik Amadou Bamba
Yallah nan nou yallah tass tissabarke
Cheik Amadou Bamba
O bonou fate
Cheik Amadou Bamba
O beugueu nala

Iye ke sababou ye
Sababou youman
Allah i liyroman se an man
Iye ke sababou ye
Sababou youman

Cheik Amadou Bamba
Serigne touba
Cheik Amadou Bamba
Serigne touba

Cheik Amadou Bamba
Cheik Amadou Bamba
Serigne touba
Cheik Amadou Bamba
Cheik Amadou Bamba
Cheik Amadou Bamba
Serigne touba

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