Alpha Blondy & Solar System - Abortion Is A Crime
Abortion crime
Abortion is a bloody, bloody crime!
Abortion is a crime
Every human being has the right to the sun
And there's enough place under Jah Jah sun
And I want you to know now, my, my friend
Yes, I want to know now, my, my, good friend
Yes, a foetus is alive
Don't make them cry, cry, cry for their mother's womb
Why should they pay for the sins they haven't done
Feel, you got to think
Jah say don't let His children cry
Feel, you got to feel
Jah say don't let His children cry
Abortion is crime
Abortion crime
Abortion is crime
Abortion is a bloody, bloody crime
Abortion a crime
Don't blame the woman, blame society
Don't you blame the woman
You got to blame the system ya
Give the women everything they need
No children, no future, no human race
No children, no future, no race
No race, no race at all
Abortion is a crime
Abortion a crime (it's serious crime)
Abortion is a mighty, mighty crime
Abortion a crime (it's serious crime)
It's a crime, it's a crime
It's a serious crime
It's a crime, it's a crime
It's a serious crime
It's a crime, it's a crime
It's a serious crime
It's a crime, it's a crime
It's a serious crime
It's a crime
It's a serious crime
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