Abyssinians - Forward Jah
Forward Jah, Jah forward
Forward Jah Jah
And look at what you see
A lot of happenings now
On earth, earth these days
Forward Jah Jah, forward I pray
You've already told us
Of these happenings we see today
Forward Jah Jah
And look at man and man
He is suffering now
Upon, 'pon the land
Forward Jah Jah, forward I pray
You've already told us
Of these happenings we see today
Forward Jah Jah, oh forward Jah
Won't you help me in the land
Of the fire and the sorrow?
Forward Jah Jah, oh come and see the sun
Help my people them a fuss and fight
Shouldn't kill each other for no right
Forward Jah Jah and tell me
Do you think this is right?
Forward alone
Forward Jah Jah
I'm on my bending knees
I'm begging, I'm asking
For freedom, you see
Forward Jah Jah, forward I pray
You've already told us
Of these happenings is happening today
Forward Jah Jah, oh forward Jah Jah
Won't you help me in the land
Of the fire and the sorrow?
Forward Jah Jah, oh come and see the sun
Help my people them a fuss and fight
Shouldn't kill each other for no right
Forward Jah Jah and tell me
Do you think this is right?
Forward alone
Forward Jah Jah
I'm on my bending knees
I'm begging, I'm asking
For freedom, you see
Forward Jah Jah
And look at man and man
He is suffering now
Upon, 'pon the land
Forward Jah Jah
And look on what you see
A lot of killings now
Unheard, unheard this day..
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